
Monday 3 December 2012

Developing Your Indian Songs Writing Skills

With the advent of technology, there has been a rapid increase in the number of contests taking place online. The Indian Songs writing contest is an online platform that provides opportunity to both aspiring and professional Indian Songs writers to exhibit their talent. The key idea of the Indian Songs writing contest is to nurture the musical talent of Indian Songs writers and encourage excellence in the art of Indian Songs writing. These music contests give equal opportunity to amateur and professional Indian Songs writers. These music contests are judged by the most prestigious panel of judges from the music fraternity. By participating in these contests, you are offering exposure and opportunity to have your Indian Songs heard by the most leading decision-makers in the music world. 

Often these budding Indian Songs writers struggle hard and wait for one single opportunity for a lifetime. They put in a lot of effort to come up with their own masterpieces. An authentic music contest in California offers opportunity to the most deserving candidates. If you are planning to take part in a Indian Songs contest, given below are some useful tips to enhance your Indian Songs writing skills: 

Firstly, choose a theme that is close to your heart. An Indian Songs reflects the soul and emotion of a Indian Songs writer. If you cannot put your heart and soul to the Indian Songs you will not be able to come up with an Indian Songs worthy of people’s attention. Opt for a genre of your choice - be it rock Indian Songs, happy novelty Indian Songs or sentimental love Indian Songs

Secondly, you need to focus on the lyrics of the Indian Songs  You can have the greatest Indian Songs arrangement but if your lyrics do not really voice out what it is supposed to, you cannot reach the audience. Use simple words that are very deep because audiences who will listen to your Indian Songs want simple yet thoughtful lyrics.

How to Be the Next Justin Bieber

Do you want to become famous? And do you want to become famous like Justin Bieber did? Well what if I was to tell you that it's not actually that hard to do? 

Justin Bieber may be too criticized by many but is a great example of what the marketing, social networking and other elements can do. 

First Justin Bieber began releasing their videos through YouTube, a platform that has given 5 minutes of fame to many people, but these 5 minutes stretched into years due to other internet tools... Twitter. 

If we learn from the biography of Justin Bieber is that if someone wants to become famous, should begin now to put their videos (as real as possible) on YouTube, because you never know who might "accidentally" discover your talent for delight the young fans. This is exactly what has happened to Justin Bieber

Twitter really help Justin Bieber began to attract attention from your target market. Many marketers still do not understand the scope that is Twitter users and yet this was the platform that Justin Bieber used to engage with your audience. Justin Bieber currently offer your movie called "Never Say Never" (never say never), a type of documentary which presents the story of the singer and how he came to where he is now. 

And of course had to take a perfume especially for girls called "someday" but the video is a little weird and may even get you a laugh, in two days has reached the 2 million views. A very good example is Google; that is starting to become obsessed with the pop stars. This search engine company has made a change in its marketing strategy. Last month, he joined Lady Gaga in an ad to show all the opportunities offered by the Chrome browser. Now he has done the same with Justin Bieber

The announcement is similar to Gaga, but also shares some similarities with the recent announcement Dear Sophie, which shows a father using Chrome and other Google products to remember her daughter's childhood. 

It makes sense that Google has thought Justin Bieber for their promotion. The young celebrity was discovered thanks to his performances uploaded to Youtube. And with it, Google manages to reach an important demographic: teenage girls. 

One of his secrets: Its well-defined market. 

Justin Bieber is not intended that all are his fans; he knows it would be almost impossible, yet the market for young girls have it well controlled. So it adds the elements of marketing, good use of digital tools and a well-defined market and the rest is history.

How To Make A Great Funny Movie Villains

They're wicked and foul with the stench of 40,000 years. But what would movies be without them? While most are truly quite horrific, others are actually funny. But throughout the many years of cinematic history, one fact has always remained constant about movie villains... we love to hate them. 

Heroes get all the hype, but deep down, we all love a good villain. I can take or leave the square-jawed boy scout, the do-gooder who gets the girl and saves the day; but the villain is a different kettle of genetically modified laser wielding fish altogether. 

Funny Villain have more fun and get most of the best lines. Movie history is littered with fiendish foes, evil overlords and malevolent masterminds we loved to hate. The summer blockbuster is the perfect breeding ground for evildoers and this year’s pageant of box office behemoths provides rich pickings, from robots out for revenge to muggle-hating wizards. 

Cinema is filled with memorable villains. Whether it's the sardonic cheer of Gert Fröbe's Auric Goldfinger, or the sneering oiliness of Die Hard's Hans Gruber (Alan Rickman), the movies are full of superb, loveably evil performances. The hero may get the girl and save the world in most instances, but it's the villain who gets most of the quotable lines. 

It's like the alignment of the planets. Occasionally, a great director, an exemplary script and a gifted actor will join together on the same project, creating the kind of unsettling performances that linger in the memory for years afterwards. 

•Michael Mann's 1986 adaptation of Thomas Harris' novel Red Dragon was the first movie to bring cannibalistic academic Dr. Hannibal Lecter (in this instance spelled Lecktor due to rights issues) to the big screen. 

•Robert De Niro chews both characters and scenery in a manic performance as Max Cady, an ex-convict who terrorises lawyer Sam Bowden (Nick Nolte) for apparently failing to defend him effectively in court fourteen years earlier. 

An indifferent and Funny movie villains can be threatening as a villain with an almost cartoon-like evil uniform like Jason Vorhees from Friday the 13th. In The Matrix (1999), the army of 'faceless' agents are cold and emotionless and suggest an unbeatable threat with which the hero cannot reason or negotiate. 

The all-powerful emotionless villain is portrayed excellently in the X-Files TV series by William B. Davis as the Cigarette Smoking Man. Throughout the series he is constantly in control of the heroes and any attempts to kill him are deemed self-destructive or futile. His power over the protagonists' behaviour is linked to his role in the Syndicate, a mysterious organisation who seemingly are more powerful than the U.S. government. 

On the opposite end of the scale are the villains that are emotive, excitable and with exaggerated personas as demonstrated by Heath Ledger's villain in the most-recent Batman film, The Joker. The latest incarnation of the Clown Prince of Crime perfectly conveys his lack of empathy and almost-humorous contempt for human life. The most prominent aspect of The Joker is his colourful clothing and unusual physical appearance, with white face make-up, dyed green hair and smudged red lipstick.

Write Timeless Indian Songs?

When you write indian songs, think of it as something that will last forever. Sure, musical styles will change over time and that's okay and expected. However, there are a couple of things you can avoid, lyrically, that can help preserve your indian songs as time moves along.
Avoid Phrases of the Minute: 

A lot of times a phrase comes along that's somehow really popular in the moment, and then it's gone. At the very least, it's branded as cheesy for the rest of eternity. For example, in the 90's there was a certain period of time where it was actually socially acceptable to say something, and then follow it with "... Not!," to negate what you just said. Like, "You're cool... Not!" As lame as that seems now, there was a time when it was being said too frequently. We have Wayne's World to thank for that one.
You may be thinking "I'd never use a phrase that lame in my music," but you may not know, because it's cool now. The rule of thumb is, if something became super popular, practically overnight, and has (at least) a bit of cheesiness to it already, it probably won't stand the test of time.
An example of this happens in the Uncle Kracker indian songs, "Smile." In the opening verse he uses the phrase "Cooler than the flip side of my pillow, that's right." When the indian songs first came out it already felt strange that he was copying a phrase of the moment, and it only gets more awkward sounding as time passes.
Using a phrase of the moment like this could work to your advantage if you're writing a super catchy pop indian songs that could be an instant hit, because you're attaching it to something that's popular in the moment. But don't expect that to last. I also wouldn't suggest using that as a strategy when you write.
So try to avoid phrases like that in your indian songs, if you want your indian songs to be timeless. After all, imagine how it would sound if you were still pitching indian songs that placed "... Not!" after a line of your lyric. Learn to be a judge of what has legs, and what won't last. If you avoid clichés altogether, you won't even have to worry about this problem at all.
Addressing Dates
The way you address dates and ages can come back to bite you later on too. Let's say you have indian songs about going out into the world. If you used a line like "I was class of '12," that will get old fast. But if you said something like "I graduated last year," it will last a lot longer. Granted that line won't always be factually accurate, but it won't sound awkward to someone listening to your indian songs five years after it was written.
Talking about your age can have the same effect. If you say "I'm 28" in indian songs that stays with you, when you sing it twenty years later, it could sound funny (unless its inaccuracy becomes intentional as you age). Instead you can say, "I was born in (insert year here)." As long as your indian songs not about being young, that will carry your age with you as the years move along.
The easiest way to address moments like these is to simply ask yourself "will this sound weird if I'm singing this indian songs five, ten or twenty years from now?" If the answer's yes, you may want to reword things to be more time-friendly. There's always a different way to say something that can give you the results you're looking for.
Last Note
It's harder to predict what will or won't be cool musically later on down the road, except to say that if you're copying a sound that's super catchy and became popular very quickly, it probably won't last too long. So the music end of things is hard to predict. But if you follow the rules of thumb we looked at here, it's a good start to writing lyrics that can be timeless. Just trust your gut, and always ask yourself if the lyrics would still apply at a later time. Then you'll be on your way. Now you can write  good indian songs.

Saturday 1 December 2012

Wo Humsafar Tha Magar Uss Say Hamnawai Na Thi - Humsafar

Wo Humsafar Tha Magar Uss Say Hamnawai Na Thi - Lyrics

Wo Humsafar Tha

Fawad Ali Khan, Mahira Khan, Abeeda Perveen, Qurat-ul-Ain Balouch, Humsafar, Hum TV, Momina Duraid, 

Song: Wo Humsafar Tha Magar Uss Say Hamnawai Na Thi
Song Type: Ghazal (Remix)
Original sung by: Abeeda Perveen
Serial: Humsafar
Telecasted on: HUM TV
Actors: Fawad Ali Khan, Mahira Khan
Poetry: Naseer Turabi
Director: Samad Sultan Khoosat
Producer: Momina Duraid
D.O.P: Shahzad Kashmiri
Singer: Qurat-ul-Ain Balouch
Wo Humsafar Tha 

Tarqe taluqaat pay
roya na tu na main
lekin ye kya kay chain say
soya na tu  main na main
Wo humsafar tha magar uss sey humnawai na thi
Wo humsafar tha magar uss sey humnawai na thi
Kay dhoob chaaon ka
Kay dhoob chaaon ka aalam raha judai na thi
Wo humsafar tha magar uss sey humnawai na thi
Kay dhoob chaaon ka
Kay dhoob chaaon ka aalam raha judai na thi


Adaavatein theen Taghaaful thaa
Ranjishein theen Magar
Adaavatein theen Taghaaful thaa
Ranjishein theen Magar
Bicharne walay main sab kuch thaa Bewafai na thi
Bicharne walay main sab kuch thaa Bewafai na thi
Kay dhoob chaaon kaaa
Kay dhoob chaaon ka aalam raha judai na thi

[Taaja Da Roo QurQura Surma]
Saha na jaae
Jin nain mein pee basey
Dujaa kaun samaey
Bicharte waqt un ankhon mein thi hamari ghazal
Bicharte waqt un ankhon mein thi hamari ghazal
Ghazal bhi woh jo kisi ko kabhi sunai na thi
Ghazal bhi woh jo kisi ko kabhi sunai na thi
Kay dhoob chaaon ka
Kay dhoob chaaon ka aalam raha judai na thi
Wo humsafar tha magar us sey humnawai na thi

Tuesday 25 September 2012

What is

What is

Everyone is asking me questions about What is afterall? Well I have searched and searched until I got to a place where I found all the information I needed. Can you guess the place where I went? The answer is itself. Surprised? Well what could be the better place then itself.

Okay! without creating anymore curiosity let me explain It is a video sharing site where you, me and us, yes everyone can upload videos, watch videos and share videos with friends and foes. There are many categories comprising funny videos, music videos, songs, tv shows and much more. Now you must be wondering if thats all. Yes thats all. Thankyou for reading this far.